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Wordfast Anywhere

Wordfast Anywhere (WFA) is a fully functional online translation tool.

WFA was operated as a totally free, public utility for 12 years from 2010 until 2022. We take great pride in having served the community during that period. Scroll further down to see the introduction to WFA that dates back to 2010.

WFA becomes commercial software on January 1, 2023, for a modest fee of $9.90/month that makes it far more affordable than any CAT tool with a comparable set of features. The limits per account will be raised to 10 simultaneous projects, with up to 50 simultaneous documents per project.

If you already have a valid license to one of our other products, such as Wordfast Classic, Wordfast Pro, Wordfast Studio:
  • You will have free access to Wordfast Anywhere after January 1, 2023, during the validity period for your other Wordfast product.
    To access WFA, simply log in at www.wordfast.com / www.wordfast.net
If you have a free account at WFA and intend to buy WFA credits:
  • Create a new, paid account at our "buy" pages (at either www.wordfast.com, or www.wordfast.net), before January 1, 2023.
    No need to rush, you have all of December 2022 to do so. Use the same email address as your existing free account (change it first in your WFA profile if needed).
    We recommend taking a paid account in the last week of December. No need to worry, there will be room for everyone.
  • The first time you visit our buy page, please select the introductory offer named Wordfast Anywhere 1-month trial at $1.
  • Once your paid account is created, you will receive credentials to log in at wordfast.com or wordfast.net and manage your WFA account there.
  • From January 1st, 2023, log in at www.wordfast.com / www.wordfast.net to access Wordfast Anywhere.
  • To buy more monthly usage credits after the trial period, log in to your paid WFA account, select "Renew". You will be able to purchase credit for any number of months at $9.90/month, with discounts available for periods longer than 3 months. Wordfast's tradition of offering a 50% discount to developing economies will also apply.
  • It will be possible to leave your WFA account dormant (unpaid) and resume buying credits at any time. Just note that the shortest credit period is a month.
If you have a free account at WFA and do not intend to buy WFA credits:
  • You can still work as usual, logging in at www.freeTM.com, until December 31, 2022.
  • From January 1, 2023, you will be able to log in at WFA in "download only" mode using www.freeTM.com until July 1, 2023. You will not be able to upload new assets (documents, translation memories, glossaries). Use that period to finalize any remaining document(s), and download your assets.
    After that date, those assets will be deleted, unless you have already closed your account.
    Note that we do not archive, cache, re-use, share, sell, monetize, your data in any way. After deletion, there will not be no way to get them back.
    In short, your data is yours, and yours only. That has been our unbroken policy since 2010.



Presentation (dated 2010, when WFA was free)

Works on Mac, Linux, Windows, Android, Tablets, Smartphones - huge, shared, confidential translation memory - same with terminology - unlimited machine translation - nothing to install - nothing to pay - real confidentiality - workgroup-enabled - true ubiquity - from one to a million pages -

Wordfast Anywhere is a demonstration of the ultimate online Translation Tool. It is offered to all translators (not just Wordfast users) for free, yet offers true confidentiality. Yes - you can use WF Anywhere for work and production. If WFA ever goes commercial, it would be priced low enough to appeal to all professionals. Wordfast Anywhere offers unlimited private Translation Memory + private Terminology + optional public TM + optional Machine Translation. The confidentiality of your assets (documents, TM, terminology) is total and uncompromising: it's not shared (unless you decide to share data with selected colleagues), it's not disclosed or recycled in any way. And there's no advertising to distract you.

Frequently asked questions:

Q: What details must I provide to register?A: Provide an email address (freemails and pseudos accepted), choose a password. We don't want to know anything else. No forms, no surveys, no credit cards.
Q: OK. That tool must be slow, inefficient, awkward...A: Nope. It's just as good as all translation tools out there, and much better in our view. Plus, there's an option to tap into a huge reservoir of public-domain translations (the VLTM).
Q: So, it's a connected tool. What do I lose if there's a connection loss?A: At most, the one sentence you were translating. With an old-fashioned translation tool installed in a local PC, if the PC breaks down, you can lose everything at worse, hours of work at best. With Wordfast Anywhere, you're safe.
Q: What about confidentiality? A: Your documents, TMs and glossaries are and remain confidential at all times - period. They will never be disclosed to any third party. They will never be used by us in any way.
Q: Some LSPs peddle a similar technology at harrowing costs... Those LSPs prey on institutions & large corporations, where execs need a tech alibi at board meetings to justify budgets. So goes the world.
Q: I'm not convinced. Nothing "cloud" can be secure and confidential, my client said. A: So let's take a hard look at "security" in the translation industry in the 2020's. Times are changing. The safest tools are Saas-type, online tools, with end-to-end military-strength encryption. In those tools, only a few segments at a time are made visible to the translator. Documents & data do not move around. In all other schemes, entire documents travel by email, to and from the translator. If any of your clients (or agencies in between) talk about privacy and security, and move documents by email, they are clueless. On top of that, even without email, e.g. using ftp, the prolonged presence of entire documents in computers run by translators (who are not IT experts, and use their computers for private purposes and entertainment) is nonsense, security-wise. Most non-corporate computers are infected with spyware, trojans, backdoors, keyloggers, adware deposited by "friendly" social networks, you name it.
If your documents are delivered by armored vehicules in encrypted USB flash drives, translated on a dedicated secure workstation without any internet connection, that may come close to "secure".

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(c) 2025, Yves Champollion for Wordfast LLC