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version released what's new
9.0710 August 2024 Regular update, fixes security and stability issues.

9.0115 January 2024 Installation revised to accomodate the new stringent Windows and Mac security measures.
Mac support: All third-party Machine Translation engines are now supported. Amazon translate and Yandex added.
9.0009 Sept 2023 Updates to the various Machine Translation API: MicrosoftTranslator API v3, Google Translate, Deepl v2.
Mac support: the Data editor is now much more stable
8.9321 Feb 2023 Support for dictation brought to the next level.
More fluidity in regular usage.
Cursor management aka "Cursor jailbreak" under Setup > View is only enabled in a brand new installation. Beginners can opt out once they understand where the cursor belongs in an opened segment, and precautions when typing elsewhere..
8.9103 Mar 2022 New feature: support for dictation software, aiming at recognizing usual WFC commands, and solving a few common issues.
See the manual's relevant section.
8.4515 Mar 2021 Reorganizes the 'TM' tab in the UI, separating Machine Translation from TM. MT now has its dedicated section.
Better support for deepL, adds Amazon (under conditions), and revamped 'Custom MT' support. See the manual for an expanded help section.
8.1007 Feb 2021 Keeping up with the modernization of Ms-Word, its User Interface, its VBA programming language.
Note that in the Wordfast Classic dialog's User Interface, the F1 key should take you to the relevant section in the online manual.
8.1815 Jan 2020 Nothing drastically new. Changes were necessary because computers are increasingly sensitive to security issues. As a result, if automatic installation does not succeed, please follow a manual installation. This is probably due to either the OS, or Ms-Word, or your Antivirus, requiring a manual authorization that VBA, WFC's programming language, cannot handle.
The "UI" section in the setup is gone, because WFC tweaking Ms-Word elements (shortcuts, toolbars, template tweaks) triggered too many alarms from the system. If you absolutely need to tweak a shortcut, edit it directly in wordfast.ini's last section.
7.7009 Sep 2019 Textboxes are back to regular translation (within the document).
Less flicker; better speed on very large documents and/or very large tables.
7.2501 Jan 2019 Textboxes are now translated in a temporary separate document.
7.2310 Oct 2018 This is a service release on the previous RC (Release Candidate) version.
7.21 RC128 May 2018 Many minor updates are consolidated in this release.
Synonyms can now be listed for the target language, to assist the co-authoring aspect of translation.
Apart from that, there is no striking new feature, and the User Interface remains unchanged.
6.99 SE17 Sep 2016 Service relase on 6.99.
Buglet fixed in the Analysis tool word count.
Patch Jul. 2017: slow keyboard solved by adding "NoKeyboardListener" in Pandora's Box.
6.9916 Aug 2017 Supports enhanced (neural, etc.) Microsoft and Google Translators.
Excel & PowerPoint support discontinued, please turn to Wf Anywhere (free) or Wf PRO.
Support for <tagged files> continues, and is improved.
Introduces case-sensitivity for terminology recognition. Rarely needed though.
Press Enter after placing a source term to toggle translated/original term; Shift+Enter to toggle case.
Supports TBX Term Base (aka glossary) import and export.
Support for Wordfast Server TMs is vastly improved.
The 'Tools' section is improved and more user-friendly.
Solves a year's worth of glitches.
6.4507 Jul 2016 Service relase on 6.44.
Buglet fixed on the TM redundancy filer in the Data Editor's tools section.
6.4429 Mar 2016 Solves a bug that failed to delete a TU when needed, creating duplicate entries.
Adjustments made to bulleted and numbered list management.
6.4026 Jan 2016 The Enter key now pops up all AS suggestions - helps with languages where AutoSuggest cannot work automatically
Adjustments to glossary management, getting rid of parasite lines.
6.3926 Jan 2016 This is a slight update after feedback from the communities - mostly cosmectic issues.
There are less messages being displayed - WFC is less noisy.
The QAT (Quick Access Toolbar) in Word 2007/2010/2013/2016 has been reviewed to better cover Word 2013/2016 and Windows 8/10.
Tagged files: Ctrl+Alt+Up splits grouped tags into discrete <elements>; double-Escape shrinks longish tags into more manageable ones.
6.3812 Jan 2016 No striking new features, just a long series of minor improvements.
AutoSuggest can now convert common units before they are suggested.
Some notifications are displayed between source and target segment; this can be defeated in Setup > UI, check the bottom checkbox
Support for bulleted lists has been improved. Numbered lists in an opened segment try to keep the numbering as is
The manual will be updated soon to provide more information. However, essential operation remains the same as with version 6.13.
6.1331 jul 2014 This is a service release on the previous version.
There are no new features, just a long series of minor improvements.
Note that the manual will be updated in August to reflect minor changes.
Essential operation remains the same.
6.07x13 nov 2013 AS (AutoSuggest, which is AutoComplete renamed) has a 'sensitive' setting. 'Sensitive' means that AS pops up only when the cursor is on the last word in a segment.
MT (Machine Translation) overhauled, and smoother. Oh well, as smooth as a web service can be.
BTM (Background TM) nows finds fuzzy matches too!
WFA (Wordfast Anywhere): WFClassic now has a one-click connection to your WFAnywhere TM and Terminology.
WFS (Wordfast Server): WFClassic can run with a local (personal) version of Wordfast Server, supporting up to 100 million TUs per single TM. The personal WFS package can be downloaded here for free.
The DE (Data Editor) now has a tool to rewrite a TM as a segmented, bilingual DOC file.
6.03t22 May 2012 6.03r introduces fully automatic licensing.
AC (AutoComplete/Suggest) has undergone a complete overhaul, but still works the usual way.
MT (Machine Translation) is evolving fast, and WF is keeping up-to-date. MTistas, this is your version.
What else... not much. The daily grind of translation remains essentially unchanged.
6.01c01 Jun 2011 Improved AC & QA.
No need for WfRelay.dll to access the VLTM.
Automatic online licensing system1.
Improved support for Word 2007/2010, and Mac Word 20112.
Improved web-based Machine Translation hookup.
More localized User Interfaces.
Note: the manual is basically up-to-date, but may miss a couple details. We're working on it.

1 You can still use the old licensing system if you have no internet connection on your workstation.
2 Use Word 2011 when on a Mac. Older versions of Word/Mac too slow. Read the installation note.
5.92b05 Nov 2010 Better support for Word 2007, Word 2010, Word 2011, and 64-bit Windows.
5.91i16 Aug 2010 Minor adjustments:
Toolbar redesign; Mac support overhauled. The Toolbar may shrink: see Setup > View > Automatically shrink the toolbar
WF installs as follows on beta Word 2011/Mac, for those equipped: with Ms-Word's Tools / Add-Ons menu, open the wordfast.dot template, and/or have it checked.
5.91c27 Jul 2010 Minor adjustments:
Toolbar icons changed; Word 2007/2010 toolbar moved to the QAT;
Tagged files: typing after a placed tag could inherit the tw4winInternal style: fixed.
5.90z118 Jul 2010 Restores a rare exotic setup (local WfServer) used by a dozen enthusiasts in the Universe. Bless them.
Vanity brush-up for Word 2007/10: icon design, toolbar positioning.
5.90x10 Jul 2010 Corrects a disappearing cursor with some Word versions.
Power users: the 'Clear' button in 'Attributes' can relocate attributes 2-5 from a legacy (pre-5.90) TM to the current setup (INI).
5.90v07 Jul 2010 - AutoComplete (AC) is premiered, in beta mode. AC is in the Setup section of the User Interface. As it name implies, AC suggests possible terms under the cursor much like browsers suggest a complete URL when you type a few letters. If the processor overheats, try the "Energy-saving" mode in your computer's "Performance" or "Power" settings in the control panel. Yes - reduce power; you won't notice much of a difference, apart from a quiet processor.
- LAN support has been entirely rewritten. An unlimited number of translators can share TMs or glossaries real-time over a LAN (remember to map network drives into logical volumes like Q: or X:...).
- QA: QC is now called QA. A few QA items have appeared, such as Proper Name typo detection, punctuation checking, etc. QA remains a mere statistical error detection facility. Like electronic spell-checking, QA is not a guarantee of correctness, but it occasionally spots typos that our tired eyes don't.
- PDF support has been entirely rewritten, but it only works in Windows at this time. It's still a convenience feature, offered "as is". You need the free Adobe Reader utility installed. Two ways: 1. drag a PDF file in Word's title bar to open it and let WF do the rest, or 2. open the PDF in Abobe Reader first, then press Alt+Down in an empty document and let WF do the rest. Works only if there's selectable, unlocked text in the PDF file.
- XLIFF, TXML, TTX support is here in beta mode. Simply open a file and press Alt+Down. Translate. Clean up - that's the final step. This is for experts only who know what they're doing. Test before use. For example, translate a couple segments then clean up, then open the translated file in its native format editor to check for consistency. Do not attempt a "blind" X translation - you must have an editor that verifies the native format before delivery. Swordfish, WF Pro, etc. open most X formats.

For technicians:
- Attributes are stored in the current Setup (INI), not in the TM itself anymore.
- Web-based Machine Translation has been rebuilt and enhanced.
- Pandora's Box Find-Replace (FR) utility is now a dedicated list of its own, maintained in the Data Editor and set up in the Terminology section of the User Interface.
- Word 2007/Windows, Word 2010/Windows (in both 32-bit and 64-bit modes) are supported. Beta Word 2011/Mac has been tested and is running Wordfast now - yep, VBA is back on the Mac with Word 2011, and it's as fast as on a PC; use a manual installation.

Much credit goes to the beta group of testers for their inifinite patience and enlightened contributions.
5.61k16 Sep 2009 Solves a rare TM blind spot.
Solves a case of internal style not being applied in tagged files.
5.61i4 Sep 2009 Double Ctrl+Alt+Up toggles the case of the placeable you just placed with the Tabulator or Ctrl+Alt+Down.
Highlighting differences in the TM display: that has been made better.
Word 2007: toolbar and glossary list adapts to customized display DPI settings.
5.61f3 Aug 2009 Further work on Mac and Word 2007 support done.
Regular protection (level 3) shades segments. Turn off with SegmentStyle=UnShaded in PB.
5.60z7 Jul 2009 A TM/Export to TMX menu has been added to the Mac version.
Web-based MT was off on some Ms-Word versions - this is fixed.
5.60x2 Jul 2009 A lot of code has been inspected and rewritten.
1. Word 2007: lots of usability improvements. A "classic" toolbar is now sported, with glossary drop-down lists.
2. Companions are now based on Word documents; Glossary and TM companions are available to Mac users.
3. Terminology Recognition: the asterisk (*) wildcard can be placed at the beginning of a word, or in the middle of it, not just at the end. See the updated manual for more guidance, if necessary.
4. Mac version: this is a whole new Wordfast. The classic User interface and the data editor, both of which made Word:Mac freeze are gone for good. Use text editors to edit glossaries or TMs. But frequent crashes are a thing of the past; and speed is improved.
5. Miscellaneous: Ctrl+Alt+G on an empty selection shows/hides glossary drop-down lists. That may be improved upon.
5.60l20 May 2009 CJK segmentation revised; half-width full stop added.
A QC placeable-counting glitch solved.
Add EnableMouseWheel to PB to enable mousewheel scrolling in the Data editor.
The double Ctrl+Alt+Q shortcut opens a brand new "live QC" companion.
5.60k04 May 2009 The Companions (an unofficial feature) have been redesigned; they remain functionally equivalent.
5.56s22 Feb 2009 An installation glitch fixed.
5.56r19 Feb 2009 Polishing up 5.56j glitches: Highlighting differences; exporting to TMX; Mac+Japanese glossaries.
Translated User Interfaces are available, more languages to come.
Companions (PB syntax: WfCompanions=..., mind he final s) have been reprogrammed. Note that they don't work with Word97 and the Mac yet.
For example, WfCompanions=Glossary introduces a new "dynamic QA" concept that monitors glossary use, untranslatables, blacklist.
If the concept generates interest, it will be expanded.
5.56j20 Jan 2009 Improved service with: Word 2007/Windows, Word 2004/Mac, PowerPoint files.
The Data editor includes the BlackList; All shortcuts can be customized (see CustomShortcut in PB).
Unicode is now the default format, but ANSI can be forced by using 'ForceANSI' in PB.
More information to come soon, together with the release of localized User Interfaces.
5.53q26 Jun 2008 Service release on 5.53: better speed with tagged files with tables, MRAs, etc.
Bug fix: cleaning up files after PPT/XLS translation.
5.5317 Apr 2008 Supports merged cells in Excel
5.52z@18 Mar 2008 A revision of zz (below) for native CJK workstations
5.52zz10 Mar 2008 A 'remove tags from TM' special filter added in TM editor > Tools
5.52zx28 Jan 2008 Some LAN support maintainance done.
The tabulator also handles placeables: type the first (case-sensitive) letter of a source term, press tabulator...
5.52zw16 Jan 2008 A regular service release: fixes a few glitches.
5.52zs, zu19 Dec 2007 TM rules have been expanded - see manual.
Mac compatibility has been revised and enhanced.
Build 5.52 zu: same, but faster on Word 2007
Wordfast/Setup/Segments Target font is applied in contexts
5.52zd23 Nov 2007 The TM editor's "Redundant TU" filter is restored.
PropagatePlusSpace(s) added in Pandora'Box.
5.52za18 Nov 2007 Second round of improvements for the Mac (start out with a new INI/setup).
A fix for cleaning up Japanese documents.
Fix: Source segment total in the Cleanup report.
5.52z08 Nov 2007 Fixes a speed issue on Macs.
Processing bookmarks before translation is now an opt-in (see Setup>Segment>Processs bookmarks if needed)
Web-based MT is back. Requires MSIE >=4.
5.52b27 Sep 2007 A fix for TR with Korean glossaries.
Bugfix: some glossary additions could destroy an existing glossary entry.
5.52a25 Sep 2007 A fix for TR with Japanese/Chinese glossaries.
A change in handling latin text included in Arabic/Hebrew target text.
5.5221 Sep 2007 A housekeeping release: small glitches ironed out.
No new features introduced.
5.51w926 Aug 2007 Bugfix: translating PPT slides with bullets.
Bugfix: Terminology recognition, CJK (was problematic in build 551t3).
The first 2 options in Setup/QC work as previously, but can be greatly expanded to cover many languages and situations. See manual.
Glossary editor: various bugfixes; offers a more comfortable tabbed layout.
Ctrl+Alt+X in tagged files: deletes all tags at first press; deletes all target text at second press.
The ? (About Wordfast) tab now has a "Remove Wordfast" button for easy un-installation.
5.51t327 May 2007 A service release with various optimizations.
5.51p04 May 2007 Yet another fine-tuning of the Terminology Recognition engine.
5.51l226 Apr 2007 Wordfast Office (WFO) is currently being rewritten in Java for a more universal support. Note: the 'Companions' are directly supported by Wordfast without the need for WFO. No more separate VLTM module - the remote VLTM module is now part of the standard Wordfast automatic installation/upgrade.
If you use a 'local' VLTM: enter TM file path+name instead of 'www.wordfast.net'.
VLTM support is available with Windows Vista and/or Office 2007.
5.51j02 Apr 2007 wordfast.dot is now digitally signed by "Wordfast LLC" for security reasons.
Office 2007-friendliness premieres today.
Wordfast runs under Windows Vista™, except for VLTM support (coming soon).
5.51b28 Feb 2007 The TM/glossary editor can be resized
5.5119 Feb 2007 Installation can be started by double-clicking wordfast.dot.
Fixed: cleaning up multiple files could produce a wrong total.
Fixed: problem with segmenting text in footnotes.
5.50z8 Feb 2007 Various fixes for Mac users, with more coming soon
Sorting a large TM or glossary could be not thorough - this is fixed
Analyzing multiple files could fail to produce a complete report - fixed too.
Use the existing "NoPrompts" PB command to remove the Bookmark warning when opening a document with bookmarks
5.50y21 Dec 2006 A few improvements on the new Mac interface
Spell-checking during QC: corrections are entered in the TM
The Translate tool pulls text from Excel & PowerPoint
5.50x11 Dec 2006 Link to web-based Machine Translation
Importing from TMX: attributes are preserved
Updating numeric placeables: more exceptions are covered
Analysis: tags are added to the word count
CJK: internal tags are recorded properly
5.50v20 Nov 2006 TU matching improved (matches were too `pessimistic` on long segments, with possible no-match on shorter segments).
5.50u15 Nov 2006 This version, used on a Mac, should be bullet-proof now.
5.50t18 Nov 2006 A 5.50t re-release to eliminate a minor glitch in the sliding QC pop-up messages (a paragraph mark could creep in after the message was displayed).
5.50t8 Nov 2006 Mac support: there is a new a menu-driven interface. It is designed to minimize crashes.
Matches on segments with numbers: a flaw in version 5.50i has been corrected: segments with a real difference in numbers are presented as non-100% matches.
5.50i18 Oct 2006 The "ProcessQuotes" command in Pandora`s Box has been restored.
The "Companions" now display data without funny codes.
When translating an already-tagged HTML document, an unnecessary " This file appears to be HTML..." warning has been removed.
Wordfast only reads its own native TXT formats, as well as TMX. All other formats (Trados TXT TMs, IBM Translation Manager, MultiTerm MTW) will be convertible with PlusTools to lighten the code in Wordfast.
5.50h28 Oct 2006 Better support in terminology recognition of multiple instances of a same term in one segment.
Better propagation for these multiple terms.
The "Syntax error" in the TM editor filter is solved.
Marking redundant TUs in the TM editor: the youngest TU is kept; the older ones are marked.
5.50h6 Oct 2006 No new features, but a host of minor fixes made in partnership with the Wf beta-testing group
CJK support: a problem with encoded symbols solved.
5.50d 21 Sep 2006 Large tables with rows that had a fixed height could slow down segmentation: this is fixed.
MacIntosh: the "Select TM" button is restored to its usual behaviour.
5.50c 20 Sep 2006 The VLTM project is now production-safe..
Context/reference searches take beginning asterisks (*cat finds bobcat, etc.). This feature was dropped for technical reasons, but it is being reintroduced now.
When the TM is shared over a LAN, attributes and TM rules are saved in the local setup (the INI file), not in the TM. This prevents possible conflicts with many users changing attributes or TM rules on the same TM.
5.0a 01 Jan 2005 - Faster operation.
- A more intuitive & logical interface for newcomers.
- Introduces an all-new TM editor with full control on TM contents, sorting, filtering, copy-pasting, deleting redundant entries, etc.
- A better glossary editor with full control on glossary contents, sorting, filtering, copy-pasting, deleting redundant entries, etc.
- Mac support completely overhauled.
4.22t22 01 Jun 2004 - Introduces Automatic Fuzzy Terminology Recognition (AFTR) for immediate re-use of raw client terminology `as is`.
4.20l 23 Mar 2004 - Solves the last remaining glitches when using Unicode TMs with Central European/Far Eeastern character sets.
4.20k 02 Feb 2004 - Adds fields to the glossary, which can be pre-set with project-specific values, to better track terminology.
- Refines the terminology recognition algorithm
4.20c 15 Jan 2004 - Clears some limitations for terminology recognition in Chinese/Japanese.
- Adds a conversion routine that rewrites TMs as Unicode, because most Word 2002 installations no longer save as... files in Unicode.
4.20 26 Mar 2003 - Substantial speed increase;
- Mac support greatly enhanced;
- Major overhaul of the TM engine;
- Quotes, apostrophes and dashes/hyphens can be set to fit target language.
4.12a 25 Feb 2003 - Glossaries have their own editing window, which can be called directly from a translation session;
- "External" attributes (in addition to styles like tw4winExternal) can be used to exclude text from translation;
- Better support of networked sessions;
- Support for multiple "Internal" styles;
- Possibility to insert custom-defined characters or text between segments.
4.12 05 Feb 2003 - All glossaries are unlimited in size, and can be used for terminology recognition and Quality-check.
4.11 10 Jan 2003 - Fine-tuning segment rating (like forcing a 99% rate if case is different, etc);
- Glossary propagation (replacing known terminology in the target segment if required, with various switches and options) overhauled;
- Possibility to re-translate a segmented document with another TM and automatically propose "better matches" when applicable, with various options.
4.10 18 Dec 2002 - Support for 3 simultaneous glossaries.
4.00 10 Dec 2002 - Wordfast imports PDF contents;
- Placeables can be defined more precisely (as `text between this-and-that, or text in FirstCap or AllCaps);
- "Skip" functions for faster proof-reading or post-editing, like skipping 100% segments
- Major overhaul of the PowerPoint support;
3.35x 15 Aug 2002 - Export of TMs to the TMW format
- Concordance search.
3.35i 22 Jan 2001 - Compatibility with Trados 5 translation memories;
- Pandora`s box: a concept that allows a lot of customization in a variety of situations;
- Enhanced support for Chinese, Japanese, Korean.
3.35g 2 Nov 2001 - Second dictionary search added;
- Various improvements for tagged documents.
3.35 20 Sep 2001 - Terminology recognition improved, better reliability & stability.
Shortcuts to select & copy placeables.
3.34 25 Aug 2001 - TMX export updated for better compatiblity with some versions of other translation tools
3.34 08 Aug 2001 - Unicode TM`s
- Term recognition
3.33 25 Jul 2001 - Attributes can be added to the TM
- Shortcut to Copy TM proposition
3.32 15 Jul 2001 - Strip beginning and ending punctuation from segments to streamline TM`s, and update them at proposition time
3.31 14 Jun 2001 - URLs and e-mail addresses are considered like parameters, so they`re updatable, and you can select/copy them with Ctrl-Alt left/right/down as with other placeables.
- If glossary search is positive, use Alt-P to paste target term
- If match is 100% except a case difference, it`s rated 99.
3.31 01 Jun 2001 - Xtrans! function integrated in Wordfast: translate multiple documents using multiple TM`s, creating a new, resulting TM. In other words, use ALL you existing stock of TM`s as one large database to pre-process docs, then use the resulting, streamlined, 100% efficient TM to translate as usual.
Shift-Alt-Down shortcut added: will force a segment to be opened over the portion of text you have selected
3.30 27 Apr 2001 - Segment delimiters protected. Integration of many suggestions and corrections reported by many users, for a smoother version. Enhancezd fuzzy matching algorithm
3.29 17 Apr 2001 - Introducing Xtrans!. This tool will pre-translate (any number of documents) using any number of TM`s. Dozens of TM`s can be selected, providing a very thorough, wide-ranging pretranslation. Let the computer churn overnight through gigabytes of TM`s to squeeze out as many matches as possible.
- The analyze tool can analyze already-segmented documents (like the result of a pre-translation done with the regular Translate tool, or the extended X-translate tool)
3.28 07 Apr 2001 - Automatic expression search when no match is found (revised from previous version of 06 April). Enhanced glossary control. Better compatibility with recent MAC OS & peculiar Windows setups. Compatibility problems with quotes, apostrophes, dashes & other exotic characters solved at last, for both PC and MAC.
3.27 20 Mar 2001 - The QC glossary can be displayed from within the toolbar for instant and constant access.
3.26 13 Mar 2001 - Customizable list of abbreviations, to fine-tune segmentation. Target font can be specified. Manual has been spell-checked (yes!)

(c) 2025, Yves Champollion for Wordfast LLC