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Individual/Group Wordfast Training Sessions

For training on Wordfast Professional, our new standalone TM tool, or if you would like to become a Wordfast Professional trainer, please contact us at training@wordfast.com.

To join the list of Wordfast Classic trainers, set your trainer profile after logging in (if discontent is made known by trainees, trainers can be removed from the list without prior warning and explanation).

Trainers do not provide hotline or support, but training sessions. Professional training is not free. The fee is entirely at the trainer’s discretion and should be openly discussed and agreed upon beforehand. Wordfast does not interfere in the training in any way, does not take any percentage or any supplementary fee.

Note: Trainees who have paid for and received a training session of at least one full day are eligible to a discount, over 20%, off a Wordfast license when they buy the license, no later than 3 months after their training session. Consult the trainer for details.

Need training for Wordfast/MsWord etc? Find the nearest trainer, or
Check the training sessions calendar

Feel like being a trainer? Sign in then click "Edit trainer status"

The details to be mutually agreed when arranging training sessions are:

Location Where the training sessions should take place.
Contents Overview of what the trainees expect to learn.
Fee Should meet local legal requirements for paid services.
Timing Date, time, and duration.
People In case of group sessions: names/number of persons.

How to proceed: Write to the nearest certified trainer and arrange a training session.

(c) 2025, Yves Champollion for Wordfast LLC